When it comes to finding the perfect font to fit your business or your branding aspirations, it’s easy to feel lost when it comes to deciding what font to choose. There are literally millions of options to choose from, with the proper licensing, they’re yours to morph into a logo design that will help you drive your business to success. Picking the right logo can be challenging, overwhelming and tricky but here are a few things to keep in mind.
How NOT to Let Logo Design Drive You Loco
Don’t be afraid to stand out
When it comes to designing a logo for your brand, you want to make sure that you’re keeping with a style or aesthetic that is as original as possible. While imitating your favorite brands or companies may be tempting, it won’t set your brand apart in the way that your growing business needs.
Originality may seem like a tall order, especially a digital age where almost everything gets replicated, but experts agree that shooting for a unique logo design is about more than just the products or services your business provides, a logo sets the tone for the identity of your brand.
Understand your brand
Speaking of branding, your logo will be your customer’s first impression of you. Regardless of your industry, you must keep in mind your audience and what you are trying to communicate to them. Look for imagery and colors that remind you of your company or brand’s ideology.
Planning out a mood board or listing out adjectives that resonate with the messaging of your brand. If you’re looking for logo design inspiration for your brand, this short Brand Personality Quiz may help.
Understand the psychology of your color scheme
You may have heard of the science behind colors mentioned in a marketing or business class, but when it comes to your logo design ideas, keep in mind that the colors you choose will be setting the mood for your brand as much or more than the font and stylizations that you choose. Although there are literally hundreds of thousands of color combinations possible, here are a few color guidelines to keep in mind:
- Red: bold, evocative, urgent, warm
- Orange: creative, dynamic, childlike, enthusiastic
- Green: natural, organic, youthful, instructional
- Blue: credible, calming, focused, clean, power
- Yellow: encouraging, design, ideas, youth, positive
- Purple: mystical, religious, evocative, well-being, loving
- Brown: earthy, safe, traditional, conservative
- Black: strength, power, precision, accuracy
- White: pure, clean, spacious, easy, fresh
Success won’t happen overnight…and that’s okay
Even the most iconic brands of yesterday and today didn’t get that way overnight. Regardless of how perfectly aligned your vectors are or how emotive your color scheme and design elements, your logo’s success is partially dependent on your business’s success. As you continue to grow and build your business, your logo will communicate your brand’s persona to your audience.
Let Our Experts Craft a Design Strategy that Fits Your Brand
At Mvestor Media, we recognize the hard work and passion that went into establishing every element your brand, including your logo. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can create a website that will help you push your business into the next sphere of success.