the secret of resilient web design

Unlocking the Secret to Resilient Web Design

Web designers take an unorganized cluster of information and convert it into a clear web page. The clarity of your web design is achieved through color, contrast, font, visual hierarchy, and layout. Resilient web design enhances clarity by stripping down web development to the core of web design basics.

Unlocking the Secret to Resilient Web Design

What is resilient web design? It draws inspiration from the field of architecture. The architecture uses responsive design, which is an idea that the design of a building needs to change and adapt to accommodate the needs of the people using the building.

Resilient web design is the idea that websites need to change and adapt to the needs of users. It takes into account the rapid change of the internet and software to create the most effective website possible. In “Resilient Web Design,” Jeremy Keith uses a three-step approach to maximize resilient web design.

3 Step Approach to Resilient Web Design

Step One

The first step is identifying core functionality. The key to identifying the core functionality is separating needs from luxuries. In architecture, a home needs walls, and the modern, propeller-like ceiling fans are luxuries.

Like in architecture, you need to identify what is the core function of your web site and focus on those features. Are you a news provider? Or is your focus on sending and receiving messages? Why does a user visit your website?

Step Two

The second step is making functionality available using the simplest technology. For example, a news provider would mark up an HTML file with articles, headings, and images.

While a social networking site would require a more interactive HTML since messages are being sent from a browser to the server. An example of an interactive HTML is a form. An appropriate form includes text input and a submit button.

Step Three

Keith’s third step is “enhance!” This is where you add the luxurious features to your web page bringing the architecturally-inspired idea full circle.

Layout, typography, custom fonts, color, and contrast can be used to improve web page presentation. Adding real-time notifications or removing auto play videos can improve interaction.

The enhancements made to your web page should still keep the end user in mind. You do not want your web page to reflect the architecture of a building with too many arches. You want the design to be tasteful and clear.

Jeremy Keith designed these three steps due to the unpredictability of the internet. Just like architecture has constantly evolved through the ages, web design will continue to evolve based on the needs and wants of people using the internet.

Mvestor has unlocked the secret to resilient web design

Through our use of WordPress web design, we have unlocked the secret to resilient web design. We believe your business should not have to worry about these web design basics, so let our experts help create the most resilient web page for you.

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